There is nothing automatic about being properly compensated when anyone has a personal injury claim. Insurance companies are typically involved, and all insurance companies are in the profit business.
Their company policies are structured to generally comply with the requirement of each state that all claims will be evaluated on a timely basis and issue a quick determination on the level of insurance protection for the primary negligent actor.
The problem is that claims adjusters are trained in conducting these investigations to the benefit of the company and not necessarily to the benefit of the claimants. The company bottom line is prioritized over any injury claims, regardless of extent of injury, and they often want to avoid paying claims even when fault and validity cannot be contested.
These could actually be bad faith tactics when an experienced Seattle car accident lawyer gets involved, and especially when insurance provider deception can be proven in court.
1. Personal Injury Attorney Role in Case Investigations
The typical defense of insurance companies when auto accident injury claims are filed is comparative negligence. Insurance providers rely on comparative negligence regarding actions of drivers in contesting claims, often trying to use the official accident report as a basis.
The truth is that jurisdictional police departments do not have significant time to devote to specific accident cases, and proper evaluation of the accident often does not get presented until a Seattle car accident lawyer investigates the accident on the behalf of the injured client decreasing their personal contribution to causing the accident.
All injured accident victims need aggressive representation in this area because it is the primary defense and can be very effective when the claimant does not have legal counsel.
2. Petitioning for Information
Many insurance companies know they will be required to pay some level of benefits, and when determining what they are willing to pay, often do so without disclosing the limitations of coverage or other information concerning the negligent client.
A Seattle personal injury attorney can demand information from the insurance company and investigate the primary respondent for prior problems in their driving history when auto accidents are the cause for an injury. They can also identify multiple negligent parties in some cases, which often are vicarious liability issues that the typical novice injured claimant does not realize is available in obtaining whole damages for negligence.
3. Pursuing Damages
A personal injury attorney can also evaluate all medical evidence and compile a solid case for equitable compensation regarding all injuries, including mental anguish and general damages for long-term complications associated with the injury.
Serious injury cases demand serious and whole compensation for injured parties, all of which insurance company adjusters want to avoid. This is often why they make low-ball settlement offers quickly — they think they can deceive the claimant by convincing them to take the settlement without legal representation.
Claims adjusters are trained professional negotiators who often skirt the legalities when cases are being settled in favor of the company profit margins.
In addition, attorneys can file personal lawsuits against all negligent parties when they have insufficient insurance protection with respect to the level of whole damages or when a third party company is exposed to vicarious liability.
4. Attention to Detail
Always remember that it is never a good decision to attempt settling an accident injury claim without aggressive legal representation because injured victims do not have access to the courts that attorneys can provide.
Insurance claims adjusters want to avoid paying general damages at all costs, and will often force claimants to retain legal counsel by forcing the case to court for a jury ruling on comparative negligence.
The details of a claim matter greatly, and an experienced Seattle car accident lawyer can pinpoint those details benefiting the client by reducing personal fault and accurately evaluating the level of financial compensation owed to the injured claimant.
You only have one opportunity at financial justice following an accident injury, and it is vital to make it pay resoundingly by retaining effective aggressive legal counsel. Choosing the right attorney can make a major difference in your case.
Article Submitted By Community Writer
How an Injury Attorney Could Be of Help in Your Case was last modified: July 21st, 2020 by