What Makes Audio Conferencing Solutions Essential
Everyone needs to stay in the loop. But that’s not the only reason to implement audio conferencing software. Sure, it can open the lines of communication—literally—but the right tool also fits into your L&D program. You can use it to host remote training events and facilitate knowledge sharing in-house. Regardless of your budget or staff size, audio web conferencing solutions are a worthy addition to your software suite. In fact, here are 8 notable reasons why you should invest in audio conferencing software for your organization.

eBook Release
Audio Web Conferencing Solutions: Overcome Your Biggest Business Problems
Audio conferencing brings everyone together and reduces online training costs. Learn how these versatile tools can help you address business pain points.
8 Reasons To Invest In Audio Conferencing Software
1. Improve Team Collaboration
Many employees telecommute these days. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, organizations were making the switch to remote teams. But one of the biggest hurdles is to keep everyone in-the-know and share ideas and feedback from afar. Fortunately, audio conferencing software boosts collaboration. Employees can discuss projects, assign tasks, and provide regular updates. Best of all, they can wear their pajamas because coworkers can’t see them. Take that, video conferencing software.
2. Move Your ILT Online
Once again, the pandemic has forced many organizations to rethink their ILT strategy. Audio conferencing solutions can help you move everything online. For example, employees log in to the LMS to access online training resources. Then instructors or managers use the audio conferencing software to host VILT sessions. Staffers can ask questions to bridge knowledge gaps on the spot. Best of all, it’s more cost-effective than video conferencing. Employees only need their computers and a microphone to participate in VILT. Plus, you can typically invite larger groups and simply mute everyone but the instructor.
3. Personalize Online Training
One of the most significant benefits of an audio conference system is personalizing the online training process. Employees can take charge of their own development and choose activities that resonate with them. For example, they might schedule one-on-one sessions to exchange info or attend live audio conferencing events to learn from industry experts. It’s quick and convenient. So, employees are able to participate in spontaneous online training to enrich the experience.
4. Provide Real-Time Support
Sometimes employees can’t wait for the next course or scheduled training event. They need help now. And audio conferencing platforms give them the JIT support they require. For instance, they can reach out to a remote coworker for quick tips. Or set up a meeting with their managers to discuss workplace performance. That said, you should have a system in place to avoid burnout. For example, one of your employees calls their manager every hour. Thus, the manager can’t do their job effectively and the employee uses audio conferencing as a crutch instead of trying to figure things out on their own. You can avoid this by setting some ground rules. Maybe the team can host a daily scheduled meeting to chat about challenges.
5. Stretch L&D Resources
A good audio conference system improves resource allocation across the board. Firstly, you can promote existing L&D resources so that employees can maximize online training benefits. You can also alleviate the HR and L&D workload because they can collaborate with their department as well as address new performance issues immediately. For example, host an impromptu conferencing event to share compliance updates.
6. Build Stronger Team Leadership
Remote managers might feel like they’re going it alone. That they don’t have a support system to help them navigate challenges. However, audio conferencing solutions builds stronger team leadership because they can tap into their peer network. For instance, schedule weekly catch-up meetings where they discuss recent events or share tips on how to manage more effectively. In short, it gives them the chance to exchange ideas and opinions in a more private forum.
7. Boost Employee Engagement
Audio conferencing improves employee motivation and accountability. One of the biggest online training hurdles is that staffers feel disconnected. They don’t have an on-site instructor or peers to give them a nudge. For example, there’s no friendly competition to try to « one up » coworkers or prove they have what it takes. Thus, they might fall behind or simply lose sight of the L&D objectives. On the other hand, audio conferencing calls help them keep their eyes on the prize. Even a half-hour weekly meeting to share their progress and chat about recent courses will suffice. Another reason to implement web audio conferencing solutions is to offer timely interventions. Employees who lag behind coworkers meet with managers or instructors to create a plan of action.
8. Create A Sense Of Community
Finally, audio conferencing platforms bring everyone together, no matter where they are or how long they’ve been with the company. They build a stronger sense of community because coworkers are just a phone call away. Smaller groups can meet to exchange feedback and help each other identify personal areas for improvement. Another approach is to invite in-house experts to teach coworkers and improve workplace productivity. For instance, your top sales employee offers tips to seal the deal and avoid common mistakes. While your HR expert delves into interviewing essentials and how to recruit top talent. A stronger community enhances the team dynamic and makes everyone feel like they’re part of something bigger.
Now that you know the why, it’s time to focus on the how. Namely, how do you find the best audio conference systems for your team? You could search online for hours and visit countless product pages. Or you can use our online directory to save some time—and frustration. But all starts with a Training Needs Analysis. You must figure out how audio web conferencing solutions fit into your online training strategy. Then you can create a list of must-have features to fill in the gaps.
Last, but not least, our eBook is just for audio conferencing software buyers who need some insider tips. Audio Web Conferencing Solutions: Overcome Your Biggest Business Problems has all the essential, including which features to look for and how to draft RFPs that get results.