Not long after we started researching the new house we attended the first of many self-build shows we have visited over the last couple of years. It was there that we met Scott McMurray from Epitome Living.

You know when you get a good feeling about someone right from the start? That’s the way it was with Scott. And my instincts were spot on as he turned out to have a pivotal role in the new Automated Home.
While I’ve immersed myself in home automation over the last 25 years, I’m by no means an expert. I think I know a little about a lot, rather than the other way round, so it was imperative that we got a real Loxone specialist on-board for our project.
But Scott turned out to be so much more than that as he helped us with many aspects of the house. Lighting design, audio setups, advice on motorised blinds as well as recommending things like the electric locking mechanism for all our external doors. In addition EL liaised with our other suppliers, ensuring we were buying items that were compatible and could be easily integrated into the Loxone system.

When you are planning your new intelligent home, you need an intelligent installer to manage it all and with Scott we had that in spades. It’s such a pleasure to work with someone who is passionate and knowledgeable in their field.
Epitome Living have delivered a Loxone system which is incredibly comprehensive, completely integrated and yet simple to use. All of which makes living in the Automated Home such a pleasure.
As a self-builder you enter into many collaborations, but our partnership with Scott has felt genuinely special and developed into a friendship that will long outlast the building process.
Epitome Living have recently become a Loxone ‘Gold Partner’, reflecting the level of business experience they have and the expertise they hold. They are the first company in Ireland, North or South to receive this accolade and they work across the entire island, so if you have a project in mind and are looking for a leading Loxone Partner then I highly recommend you get in touch.
Thank you Scott, Richard, Jordan, Kyle & Stephen.
Visit epitomeliving.com to find out more.

Remember to check out our Instagram to follow the project, read the rest of the Automated Home 2.0 blog posts and find the links to all the products we’ve used in our self-build.