Educational Technology: How Technology Is Changing Teaching—Infographic
Educational technology comes in many forms including websites, apps, and online courses, and is effective when used both inside the classroom alongside other teaching methods and at home for self-study. Educational technology has many benefits in teaching and overcomes many of the boundaries that traditional methods of teaching present to us, such as large classroom sizes and lack of funding. Technology is now being used more and more in schools and at home for education purposes and, as technology advances in the future, the teaching resources that we have access to also become better and more advanced.
Personalized Learning
One of the reasons educational technology is so effective is that it can often emulate the one-to-one teaching style that can be difficult to achieve in a classroom environment. In a classroom, students struggling to understand aspects of the curriculum may quickly be left behind and it can be challenging to present information in a way that appeals to all the learning preferences of different students. EdTech on the other hand often uses Artificial Intelligence to measure the performance of students and identify the weaknesses and their abilities. The platform will then produce content that’s adapted to help specifically with what they struggle with. This kind of personalized learning has been proven to be very effective in education and is something difficult to achieve in a classroom environment.
Reaching To All Learning Preferences
Technology has also massively expanded the range of teaching and learning resources we have access to and we now have more types of resources for all learning styles instead of just book learning. For example, visual learners might benefit from video content, kinaesthetic learners might benefit from interactive content, auditory learners might find video podcasts to be helpful, and there are countless online resources for those who learn from reading.
Instant Feedback
eLearning is also beneficial because it has the capacity to provide instant feedback to the user. Instant feedback has been proven to help students have more meaningful interactions with their work. Work completed in a classroom might take a few weeks to be marked and graded, and by the time they receive their feedback, a student’s interest in the work might have dwindled and they’re less likely to take a proactive approach to the feedback. Instantaneous feedback, on the other hand, is much more motivating and helps students develop personal goals toward their work.
Benefits For Teachers
Not only is eLearning beneficial to students but it’s helpful for teachers, too. eLearning also helps relieve some of the heavy bureaucracy in terms of marking and lesson planning that teachers have to face. This means that teachers can spend more time focusing on the aspects of their job that are more beneficial to students such as creating more effective lesson content.
The Role Of Technology
The interpersonal learning that you receive in a classroom is still invaluable but can be much more effective when combined with the benefits of eLearning. Technology has revolutionized the ways students learn and engage with course content and is being used more and more in schools and universities to assist with learning. As a result, More money is being invested in the technology brought into schools, and students are more technology-literate than ever. It’s likely that in the future, technology will become a bigger part of learning and the way that students engage with educational content.
This infographic looks at current issues with the education system such as large classroom sizes, lack of funding, and the mental health of students and how educational technology can help us tackle these issues. It also looks at the reasons why educational technology is so effective, and how it can be combined with classroom learning to help improve the standards of teaching in schools and higher education.